Our Services

Treatment of periodontal disease

If caught early, periodontitis can be successfully treated. The chronic nature of periodontitis means that it cannot be cured; instead, we aim for…

Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a fixed treatment option to replace missing teeth. A comprehensive clinical examination and radiographic investigation will be…

Crown lengthening surgery

Crown lengthening surgery is a surgical procedure that involves exposing the margin of a restoration (filling) or fractured tooth by removing some…

Bone grafting

Bone and gums can recede following the removal of teeth. Such bony defects can compromise restorative dental treatment, whether it involves, bridges…

Treatment of gum recession

Gums can recede due to aggressive tooth brushing or periodontal (gum) disease. Gum recession can cause sensitivity to cold or hot foods and liquids…

Periodontal maintenance

Periodontal maintenance therapy is an ongoing programme designed to prevent the progression of periodontal (gum) disease once initial treatment is…

Treatment of periodontal disease

If caught early, periodontitis can be successfully treated. The chronic nature of periodontitis means that it cannot be cured; instead, we aim for long-term control of the disease and prevention of active disease recurrence.

Management of periodontitis involves a thorough evaluation of the teeth and gums, improving daily plaque removal techniques (toothbrushing, flossing, and use of interdental brushes), and professional debridement (scaling) of the teeth and root surfaces. This will be performed by the periodontist and may involve several appointments, often under local anesthetic. In some situations, periodontal (gum) surgery is necessary to allow thorough root surface debridement.

Treatment of periodontal disease is a partnership between clinician and patient. To obtain a good result after treatment it is important to maintain a high level of plaque control and to attend regular periodontal maintenance appointments. This is a lifelong commitment.

Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a fixed treatment option to replace missing teeth. A comprehensive clinical examination and radiographic investigation will be required prior to commencing the implant treatment to ensure that a dental implant is the right choice to replace the missing tooth. 

Dental implant treatment comprises two surgical sessions. In the first session, a dental implant, which resembles a root substitute, is placed within the jawbone and the gum is sutured to cover it. This is allowed to heal for three to six months depending on the bone quality and the need for a bone graft. During that time, a temporary denture (plate) is worn. In the second session, the dental implant is uncovered and a healing cap is attached. The dentist will then be able to attach the implant crown. 

Crown lengthening surgery

Crown lengthening surgery is a surgical procedure that involves exposing the margin of a restoration (filling) or fractured tooth by removing some gum and bone and re-establishing a new gum level. This allows the referring dentist to access sound tooth structure for the provision of a new restoration or crown. 

In some instances, crown lengthening surgery is used to reduce the amount of gum showing in a "gummy" smile.

Bone grafting

Bone and gums can recede following the removal of teeth. Such bony defects can compromise restorative dental treatment, whether it involves, bridges, dentures, or dental implants. Bone grafting can be performed during dental implant placement, or prior to dental implant treatment. The procedure involves the use of a membrane and bone grafting materials to minimise bone loss. 

Treatment of gum recession

Gums can recede due to aggressive tooth brushing or periodontal (gum) disease. Gum recession can cause sensitivity to cold or hot foods and liquids in some situations. Soft tissue graft procedures can be performed to cover the exposed roots of teeth, reduce sensitivity, and prevent additional recession and bone loss as well as improve the appearance of the gum line.

Periodontal maintenance

Periodontal maintenance therapy is an ongoing programme designed to prevent the progression of periodontal (gum) disease once initial treatment is complete. This treatment is often provided by a dental hygienist under the guidance of the periodontist. The frequency of visits will be determined by the periodontal treatment received the response to periodontal treatment and a patient's susceptibility to periodontal disease.